Design - Create.

A Creative computer and IT agency based in North Wales. Designing brilliant web, mobile and media applications for you.

Learn about what we do

Here's all the stuff We do.

All our work is bespoke and caters to the clients needs.

Web Applications

From distinctive websites to corporate intranets. Database backed applications to drive your business with panache and efficiency.

Hardware Solutions

Multi user workstations, network solutions, office environments and public access technology. Designed, supplied, installed and maintained.

Mobile Applications

Android and Apple applications for distribution, promotion and corporate use. Your ideas bought to life on a mobile near you.

Here’s some stuff we made recently.

Some Projects we recently completed.

Online Store

Fully functional eShop, with integration into google and amazon web markets. Fully client managed with CMS

Online Application

Fully functional client booking and clinical system. Powerfull SQL database Multi-remote user interface that even works on tablets!

Bird Box

A strategic game developed as a concept for brand promotion.

Let us make stuff for you.

If you have an idea for a project - lets talk.

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